Some data simply can’t be redacted or anonymized, it’s got to be encrypted. Going into effect on January 1, 2020, businesses of all sizes all over the world are having to meet the newest requirements around consumer protection in the California Consumer Protection Act of 2018 (CCPA). The big penalty for business’s happens if sensitive unencrypted or nonredacted data is compromised. It is each business’ “duty to implement and maintain reasonable security procedures and practices” [Cal. Civ. Code § 1798.150].
The broad language in the CCPA could be interpreted to cover basic disk encryption as enough to be “reasonable security” but here at Active Cypher, we don’t think that’s good enough. File-level security, integrating easily with Active Directory, keeps each piece of information secure. Without the proper access permissions, the file is unreadable. We call it Active Cypher Cloud Fortress.
And we aren’t talking about each general file folder or the subjective encryption one person may put on that quarter’s earnings report, we are talking about thorough, file-by-file encryption. Without interrupting the workflow of your employees during deployment, Active Cypher Cloud Fortress runs transparently, extending the effectiveness of Active Directory’s architecture and the administrative skills your business already has.
With just over a week before the CCPA goes into effect, Active Cypher Cloud Fortress is the quick, easy, and low-cost solution to protect your consumer’s data and your business’s reputation.